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Martins on



       Martins are on mission! We are taking a step in our faith journey by joining Mustard Seed Network in Kyoto, Japan. Our family plans to join the team in Japan by January of 2019. Until then, we will raise prayer and financial support, begin to learn Japanese, and prepare our hearts and minds to follow God's leading.

        We appreciate all the prayers that have already been prayed on our behalf, and we are thankful for all of our friends and family who are supporting us. Our hope and prayer is that through Mustard Seed Network and Christians around the world that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be known in Japan. 


On the designation drop down select Sam and Rachel Martin

See what is happening in Japan!


If you are interested in recieving our blogs for the lastest information and prayer items. Send us an email with your email address.


We also have custum stickers and magnets available that we can send you. Just provide us your mailing address.


If you have any questions about specific details of our journey please don't hesitate to ask. 



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